“Krissy and I walked down a quiet beach in the late afternoon of a school day. We passed by a few young girls, perhaps 12 years old, who stole glances at Krissy and then disappeared. Minutes later, they returned—this time with about six other friends in tow, scraps of paper and pencils in hand.“I left Krissy to her adoring public as she patiently and diligently signed her name and chatted with each fan. I watched from a distance and wondered what these kids might be asking of the 15-year-old, just under six feet tall, who has recently graced covers and pages of Seventeen, YM and Vogue: What’s her favorite band? What’s her favorite pig-out food? Who’s her favorite supermodel?
“Later I asked Krissy how it felt to be a role model to these kids who so admire her. ‘It’s weird,’ she replied, ‘I’m really just a kid, too.’
“By the way, this kid answered: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, cheeseburgers and, of course, sister Niki Taylor.”