Treasured Classics: Mimicking a trip into the past, these photos were shot for the British company “Together,” a division of Spiegal. It was shot in Florida at a railroad museum—hard to believe she’s in downtowm Miami in the mid-1990s, isn’t it?

Endless Summer These were shot in New York on Long Island beach. Entertainment Tonight was on the set that day—they were doing a segment on Niki and Krissy, and were getting some footage on Krissy for the story. I remember that they wanted to do an interview with Krissy, but she didn’t want to do it without Niki. These pants were so huge—she didn’t want to come out of the van, she felt so “baggy”—but from the look of the resulting pictures, you’d think these were her favorite pants.... Not!
Krissy loved working with Young and Modern magazine, and they, in turn, loved working with her. These photos were shot by Kim Robertson.

Underwearing: Krissy’s first shoot for YM, and her undies were the topic of the story! Oh, well, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. She ended up coming home with Marky Marks’ Calvins! She somehow managed to talk the photographer into letting her have them. Shot in New York by Kim Myers Robertson.

Heidi (Seventeen) These were shot in New York in 1994.
Coat This was her first solo shoot for Seventeen. She got the cover of this issue, too.